Clayton Shold, Esther Shaye, Stephen Crawford
Barry & Angie Wylie with Keriann McGoogan representing donation recipient Planet Madagascar
Esther Shaye, Stephen Crawford, Stephen Firth, Susan Sheppard
Ann & John Dunn, Vaughan Adams, Allyson Lunny, Margot Heinrich, Craig King
Selection of Ken’s books presented by Different Drummer Books
Sandy & Bill Boughner with David Camton
Susan Van Every, Brenda MacKay, Sandy Boughner, John MacKay
Bonnie Jensen, Dave Dickson, Alice Croucher, Garry MacLeod, Angela Lukowski, Margaret & Milos Pospisil
Andrew, Albert & Carolyne Darimont, Lois & Cecil Morris, Valerie Potter
Bernd Duddeck, Tim Kelsall, Vinny Bhandari, Jesse Hutchinson, Robert Gerritsen, Deborah Kelsall, Bert Wasmund, Terry Gerritsen
Marishka & Michael Glynne with Angie & Barry Wylie
Ester Shaye, Erwin Leonov,Glynis Van Steen
Picture from Ken’s presentation
Picture from Ken’s presentation
Picture from Ken’s presentation
Ken receiving a thank you gift of Trius wines
Keriann receiving the donation cheque for Planet Madagascar
Keriann providing information about Planet Madagascar