The 2019/2020 season of the Canadian Club of Halton (our 34th) starts on Thursday, September 26 with guest speaker Darrell Bricker, Global CEO of Ipsos Public Affairs.
Darrell Bricker and John Ibbitson (Globe and Mail Writer at Large), co-authoured Empty Planet: The Shock of Global Population Decline, published this past February.
Attached are 3 recent Globe and Mail articles from Darrell and John drawing attention to the impacts of declining birth rates and aging populations around the world that you may find interesting.
A multi-page feature article by Darrell & John titled “The Vanishing” was published in the Globe and Mail on January 24 prior to the release of their book. It can be viewed at:
When the world’s population shrinks, Canada is poised to grow and prosper
The book itself is very readable with the authors clearly stating what they see happening with global populations through to 2050 and beyond, and the consequences to countries that restrict immigration now or in the future.
The book is a real eye-opener!
Enjoy the summer and we hope to see you in September.